Information Request

By filling in and sending this form you authorise ESSEPI SNC to process the data entered in its customer list for marketing purposes by sending informative, advertising or promotional material. Data is stored and processed in accordance with the provisions of EU Regulation 2016/679 and at any time you may have access to your data, request its amendment or deletion, or object to its use by writing to us.

I consent
I do not consent

By accepting, you declare that you have read the complete information sheet

Our Location

  • Address: Via Meucci 12/c
    30010 Campolongo Maggiore (VE)
  • Secondary branch: Via Islanda, 11
    47922 Rimini (RN)
  • VAT No. 03120060276

Working hours

  • Monday – Friday - 8:00-18.30
  • Saturday - 8:00-12.00
  • Sunday - closed